The Decarbonization Copilot for Manufacturers

Cut cost and carbon from your supply chain

with better  procurement decisions primary Scope 3 data supplier engagement
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Trusted decarbonization partner for the world's largest supply chains.

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How it works

Implement your supply chain decarbonization roadmap in 4 easy steps.

The Terralytiq platform enables you to rapidly identify emission hotspots in your procurement and supplier portfolio, collect primary data from your partners, and identify interventions to close gaps to your targets.

Upload your procurement data

Step 1

Get automated product carbon footprint estimates for every individual item you buy - instantly

Prioritize suppliers and facilities

Step 2

Identify the suppliers and facilities in your supply chain that contribute most to your Scope 3.1 footprint

Collect primary data from top suppliers

Step 3

Send easy-to-answer RFIs to priority suppliers and facilities + automatically verify and ingest primary data into baseline

Identify decarbonization interventions to fill gaps

Step 4

Collaborate with your suppliers and organization to deploy solutions based on project feasibility and economics

Improve insights into your supply chain emissions

Transition from spend- to activity-based carbon analytics

Generate synthetic bill-of-materials (BOM) for products you buy

Predict location of facilities in your supply chain with our AI

Generate product carbon footprints for all your purchased items

”The approach to gathering data is like all the best parts of LCA without any of the bad parts”

Project Manager

Industrial OEM

Develop efficient carbon reduction plans that meet your targets

Identify gaps between your supplier's plans and your own ambition

Identify interventions for emission hotspots in your supply chain

Develop actionable business cases with clear cost impact, investment needs, and carbon impact


Access over 500 detailed decarbonization business cases in our Climate Technology Library


Identify interventions to address up to 90% of your supply chain footprint before 2035

Terralytiq has great capabilities to model the cost of decarbonization by sector and customize it by geography and over time. This is a tremendous asset to move from ambition to having a bankable and budgeted delivery plan.

Customer testimonial

"A great combination of software development and true
subject matter


How can supply chain decarbonization be this easy?

What do I need to get started?

You can get started with whatever data you already have (e.g., bill of materials, supplier LCAs, or simply knowing where your suppliers are located). Our platform will create a custom baseline based on available data and fill in the gaps so you have a complete understanding of your emissions footprint on day one. Over time, you can update the platform with additional primary data directly from your suppliers to improve the accuracy.

How much of my roadmap can I customize?

You can customize 100% of your plan including the steps in your production process as well as all techno-economic data such as energy consumption, efficiency, and CAPEX/OPEX.

What are the data sources for your models?

We use a variety of credible data sources including public data from governments and utilities (e.g., United States Energy Information Agency), private reports from leading institutions (e.g., BloombergNEF, International Energy Agency), as well as research institution partnerships (e.g., Duke University). All data sources throughout our platform are transparent to enable an audit-ready data trail.

How often will I need to update my decarbonization plan?

We recommend updating your roadmap regularly to capture the latest technology forecasts and price data to ensure your business plan is on track.

Managing your supply chain emissions has never been easier

100% activity-based

Supplier-specific emission factors

Automated primary data collection

Compliance with industry standards